Author Topic: School charge outlet removed!!!  (Read 3423 times)


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School charge outlet removed!!!
« on: February 01, 2018, 01:30:06 AM »
Does anyone have any suggestions for the removal of my rights to charge my electric car at my work.  I had paid my school $500 in 2003 for an outlet and I paid them for KWH.  I stopped using the plug in 2010 when I donated my car.  I now have a Ford Focus Electric 2014 that I purposely bought because of the my school plug.  The new maintenance staff have load the plug with several high drawing appliances.  The district now wants me to not charge my car.


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Re: School charge outlet removed!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2018, 01:51:29 PM »
Do you have anything in writing?  Any old email, receipt, or possibly even cancelled check.  The goal is to show them something that you could use if a lawyer were to get involved.  Don't threaten to get a lawyer involved, but having some documentation that could be construed as a contract makes you a credible threat.  Remain calm.  Be the reasonable voice.  Also no point in getting fired over the ability to charge.  Finding new employment is always an option but it is preferred to do this while still being employed, and you don't want your references to recall "recent outbursts about some electric car thing". 

Hopefully when presented with evidence that you paid for the equipment they are now using for other things they will either reimburse you the $500 or find another way for you to charge.  Providing you with a 110 outlet in the short term would be an excellent step in the right direction, and a nice way to keep charged while they sort out the details.  Also, make sure you pay for every KWH so they can never claim you are ripping them off, if this escalates in a bad way.  Again not worth losing your job over. 

Remain calm and good luck


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Re: School charge outlet removed!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2018, 12:35:16 AM »
Thank You so much Jeff, your calming words and advice are very helpful.  My wife found the cancelled check in our memo book and I have several articles that speak to the issue so you are right I have legal defense, but I am not going to use them  unless they refuse my money back or a plug.  I will try to stay calm as I only have 18 months left before retirement.


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Re: School charge outlet removed!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2018, 02:49:48 PM »
It's kind of unclear what "rights" you retain after a 2003 donation.  Without certain specified committments or benefits, it would be difficult to enforce a demand for continued charging rights.  However, I do see an interesting alternative.

I would prepare a news article describing your efforts for years in promotiing EV use, and describing your generosity in helping to estalish a viable EV charging station ten or more years ahead of your time.  I would do my best to populate the article with facts, including costs of the station, cost of EV charging (including changes in rate structures over time) and some current projections.  I would approach my LOCAL newspaper, and offer to work with their writer to develop a story about how an early EVangelist and user helped create a charging subculture, and what the current (pardon the pun) situation is.  Failing to enthuse a local paper and their staff to coauthor such a piece, I would approach one or two local high schools, and offer the info and help to some student looking to write a piece that would be well read outside the school.  Don't threaten the school with 'leaking' such information as a means of getting to your goal, but it would be reasonable if they knew you were assembling FACTS for a reporter to use in a local interest story.  I would not tell them formally, but informally.   Once the school knows the FACTS have been assem bled, they have two options.
  • Change their tune to create a happier outcome
  • Figure out which facts you used and find ways to refute them, and figure out how to reach whatever author(s) you engaged.

Play your cards close to your chest, don't let them see your hand.  Use difficult to argue facts and offer impeccable sources for your facts.

Good luck
Rich Carroll                 


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Re: School charge outlet removed!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2018, 03:52:31 PM »
Very good Rich, I would not want to play you in a came of cards.  Thank You very much I will keep you posted.

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Re: School charge outlet removed!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2018, 12:35:07 AM »
Ask if you can put in another one. Let bygones be bygones. Some things aren't fair, but on the next one get the promises you need.


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Re: School charge outlet removed!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2018, 02:05:08 AM »
Not sure if you are a t a public school but if I was in your shoes I would see if my union could help me.


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Re: School charge outlet removed!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2018, 07:27:42 PM »
Very good advice from wise EVers . Thank You!!!